Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mary Ann and Al have been such great support. They are raising their grandson so their empty nest isn't so empty right now. Al is a computer nerd and Mary Ann is an administrator for Danville Schools. What a great couple!

Nancy and Keith

Nancy and Keith live in Danville. Kieth is a counselor for the Wayne Township School system and Nancy is a nurse for the Marion County Health Department. Good People!

Keith, Steve and Al - Hangin

Keith, Nancy, Al, Mary Ann, Steve and I have a dinner date once a month during the winter months. We really enjoy their company. Good Friends - Good Times!

Heather told me.

Heather told me I need to update my blog. So here goes. Work has been very hectic lately. We are very short on staff right now which makes the staff we have work overtime. Believe me there is a lot of overtime. I received a 15% raise! Woo hoo!!! Gotta love that! My niece Morgan is living with us and attending her Junior year at Avon. Her Mom, my sister, and I went to "Back to School Night" Thursday. We had a blast! LOL One of her teachers graduated from my High School and we knew some of the same people. It was funny. This is one of Morgan's teachers that she likes the most. I'm going to be teaching a new class of dispatchers starting the 15th of September. It will last for 3 weeks which means I will have weekends off. Looks like everything will work out for me to got to Florida in October for Greg's wedding and then on to Phoenix to visit Mary. I really need to get away. Steve and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. He gave me a diamond anniversary ring. I gave him a Bovado watch. Had it engraved with F.M.H.T.T.F.S. Yeah, try to figure that one out! LOL

Great picture don't you think?